Beginner Digital Photography Part 1
4 Thursday evenings
At The Image Doctor's Camera Museum
April 27, May 4, 11, and 18th 2023 from 7-9pm.
All Classes held at
The Camera Museum 369 Macon Street McDonough, Ga 30253
This class will also be limited to just 15 students .
Below is what will be covered each night.
There are photo gear door prizes too!
1st Night- April 27, 2023
Camera Basic Functions. Setting ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture and exploring the light meter on YOUR camera.
What is ISO
What is White Balance
File Size and Quality- How to set and why
Camera Care and Cleaning
Camera Auto Exposure Modes Explained
Composition- Rule of Thirds Explained
2nd Night - May 4, 2023
What is Aperture
The Two jobs that the Aperture controls
Proper Exposure Explained
Live outdoor practice photoshoot
3rd Night - May 11, 2023,
What is Shutter Speed
Live outdoor practice photoshoot
Different Lenses- Explained and Demonstrated
Camera Accessories- What to Buy, What is a Waste of Money
4th Night -May 18, 2023
Using Manual Mode
How to use your Camera’s Light Meter
Light Modification-Using Reflectors and Diffusers
Live outdoor practice photoshoot